3. SNA 3270 HLLAPI and SNA 3270 API 3.1 Description Many customers require programmatic access to 3270-based IBM appli- cations. 3270 API and HLLAPI allow them to write programs that appear as 3270 terminals to IBM applications. 3270 HLLAPI and 3270 API provide similar functionality, except the HLLAPI interface is more standard. HP has a 3270 API special product for qualified accounts. SSI is porting 3270 HLLAPI to Series 400 systems using the RTI card and SASsbx module. A portation to NIO-based Series 800 systems is being considered. 3.2 How to Order HP's SNA 3270 API Contact Scott Emo of IND Product Marketing, (408)447-3562 or Telnet 447-3562, for details on qualification and support. 3.3 How to Order SSI's SNA 3270 HLLAPI Please contact IND Product Marketing before ordering SSI's 3270 HLLAPI to determine whether HP's 3270 API special is an appropriate solution. 3.3.1 For DIO-based Series 300 Systems The customer must purchase an RTI card and SASsbx module from HP, and software from SSI. From HP Product #/ Description FBP Options 98297A DIO/RTI Card (runtime S/W & manuals) $2000 001 Add 80C187 Numeric Co-Processor $ 900 0B0 Delete manuals -$ 50 0CC RTE S/W Update (Deletes card) -$1250 AA0 RTI S/W on CS80 Cartridge N/C AA1 RTI S/W on 1600 BPI tape N/C Note: 98297A requires two DIO-II (system) slots in HP 9000 Series 300 system. 94185A HP SASsbx Card and manuals $ ___ 001 Add DIO cable $ ___ From SSI Contact your local SSI Sales Representative, or contact Alan Kadish of SSI at (212)279-8400. Contact SSI for a quotation for support of their software.